Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2015

Low powerlevel and how it can affect your game

Hello Ladies and Gantlemen, yet another time!

Last time I was going on about powerful cards in a vaccuum being not as impactful as you'd wish.
Just to clear things up, I don't think those cards are necesserarily bad in general but unless you have a good reason to run them I would be cautious of adding them to your deck. Or at least you should be aware of what the cards do to the flow of the game and play them accordingly (e.g. only cast a Necropotence when people are low on cards themselfs and you/somebody else whiped the board).

As promised, today I will cover the other side of the coin which are cards that are seemingly innocent but can do quite a lot of work for you. Sometimes people even won't notice until it's too late which would be the ideal scenario.

My favourite in this section would be:

Let's go over the facts here: For the first basic land you get you have to pay 5 mana in total, and 3 mana from there on for each consecutive land. IF the kite stays in play.
But then again why shouldn't he, one basic land a turn isn't really impressive is it, so if someone got that Krosan Grip why should he throw it at your kite?

So you're sitting there kiting away - which can be translated to drawing an additional card per turn without anyone really noticing - and while everyone else on the table is fighting over ressources you're quietly making landdrops while making sure to survive. Once lategame hits, you probably have the most lands in play unless someone plays a really ramp heavy deck and your topdecks are insanely better than anyone elses as 8 turns of consecutive kiting in a 38-land-deck reduce the number of lands in your deck by over 20% not to mention that you will have tons of mana to play those sweet cards.

Compared to Necropotence it sure isn't as splashy but it sure get's the job done well while not drawing any attention (unless your opponents also read this blog...).

How about another example?

As with the "powerful" cards, I also wanted to provide one example that can be used as a Commander and is a bit underrated.
Pharikas ability doesn't seem much and is definitely not a reason for others to focus you but if you look a little closer and factor in politics and general multiplayer gameplay you'll see the potential unfold before your very eyes. 
Just a few little scenarios when having Pharika in play and GGBB available:

1. You're getting attacked by some creatures: 
     - Step1: Exile some "used" creatures like Sakura-Tribe Elder or Fleshbag Marauder.
     - Step2: Get two 1/1 Snakes with Deathtouch for your troubles.
     - Step3: Block the two best creatures that are attacking you with those snakes
     - Step4: Profit!

2. Somebody else is getting attacked:
     - Step1: Exile potential reanimation targets from the persons graveyard that's getting attacked
     - Step2: He gets two 1/1 Snakes with Deathtouch for his troubles.
     - Step3: He will most likely block with those.
     - Step4: Double-Profit - The attacker lost two creatures and the defender lost two creatures he                            might've wanted to recurr

3. People have reanimation/regrowth-effects/spells in hand:
    - Step1: They can't cast/use them because all it will do for them is create a 1/1 Snake-Token
    - Step2: Profit!

And to top things of, Pharika is indestructible and doesn't threaten to take over the game. She just enables you to take control of attacksteps and reanimation-shenanigans. That's all.... which is actually quite a lot. 

That's it for today, I hope you will check in again next time when I finish this series about card evalutaion in multiplayer EDH with a little conclusion and my personal Top10 Over-&Underrated Cards lists. 

PS.: Have a token for your troubles...

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