Freitag, 1. Mai 2015

Soygulash for everyone!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, yet another time!

It's been a long long time since I've last posted a recipe for a vegan deliciousness. How come?
Well there are times where I'm working like a berserk in the kitchen and there are times where I seem to cook once a week. But the last couple of days have been full of newfound inspiration so... here I am posting a recipe for you people again:

Soygoulash "Hildmann-Variation"
(as my recipe is derived off of the cookbook "Vegan for Fun" by Attila Hildmann)

  • 150g Soychips (~3cm diameter)
  • 2 onions
  • 2 red paprikas
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 400ml soup (you can use the one from making the soy and add some water if needed)
  • 3 tablespoons of soy/oat-cuisine (or any other vegan cuisine)
  • 1-1.5 tablespoons agave/maple-syrup
  • Paprikapowder, salt, pepper, marjoram
  • some olive- or any other plant-based oil
I already mentioned it, the original recipe is from "Vegan for Fun" by Attila Hildmann. All I did was adapt it to "everyday"-use with igrendients I almost always have at home.

Preparation: (~45 minutes)

First task (as always), soak the soychips in soup for about 10 minutes, then get them out and squeeze them while also collecting the soup for later use. While doing so, cut the onions, garilc cloves and paprikas for later use.
Once the soychips are ready for further "instructions", get a pan and some oil and roast them until crisp. Get them out of the pan again, add some oil to the pan once again and start to sauté the onions, garlic and paprika for a couple of minutes. Then add the soy and season it with paprikapowder, marjoram, salt and pepper and sauté it some more. After two more minutes add tomato paste and agave-syrup - let the caramelize a bit - and then deglaze the whole thing with the soup. Let it reduce for about five more minutes, get it of the stove and stir in the cuisine.

The soychips I used were a bit too big as you might be able to tell....... tasted awesome nontheless!

Now there nothing left for me to do other than wishing you "Bon appétit!" and have a nice day!

See y'all 'round!

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