Dienstag, 15. September 2015

Spot on the Build #1 - Mighty vegan Burgers!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, yet another time!

Many people out in the internets seem to like the picture-plus-text tutorials/showcases, probably because you can look at them comfortably on your phone while on the bus/metro/etc. so after a discussion with my girlfriend and a little survey on reddit.com/r/feedthebeast, I decided to add another series to my blog called "Spot on the Build".
What I have in mind with this series is to provide little text- and picture-based tutorials of the builds I do in my YouTube-Series, so if you want to see it in action before building it, you can also go to my YouTube-Channel or look up the episodes on my blog.

Luckily my current "FTB Infinity"-Series (which is also my first Minecraft YouTube-Series) isn't that far in that there are a ton of builds to catch up to.

So without further ado let me get started with the first major build of my current playthrough:


The best thing about the build in my opinion is that it is self-sustaining, which means it will get all ressources it's going to need to run from itself. Some call that a "set it and forget it"-build.. Basically the idea behind this is: You want to have a renewable way to produce mana and/or power while being as efficient as possible.

NOTE: If at some point you can't follow my instructions (which is perfectly reasonable... even I can't do that all the time) there's always the possibility to look up the part in the episodes where I built the system:
Before I go into too much detail, let me give you a quick overview of what is going to happen in my build...

Green = Farm; Yellow = Flour-Bread-Toast; Grey = Soybeans-Milk-Tofu; Blue = Mana; Red = Burgerassembly
What a view! So let's cook this thing up, shall we?

The Farm (Green)

Let's start with the farm part and what you're going to need for it:
Now in my playthrough (picture) I kind of derped with the size of the farm (I'm also running a treefarm with the same harvester), but if you want to be as efficient as possible and only care about your burgers, I recommend you to make the farm 11x11 (=121 blocks). Since the Agricarnation has a range of 5 blocks planting it in the middle of the field will make it so it can reach each and every plant of said farm. You then simply plant the Agricarnation in the middle with the Manapool on top set up the crops with the plants in them, plop down the harvester on one side and give it the Range Upgrade so it can cover the whole area. Then don't forget to put down the chest so it can output the harvested items and the Void Fluid Pipe to keep it clear of Sludge.

Then that chest will then output to two little processing units: 1) Toaster-Unit and 2) Presser-Unit.

The Toaster (Yellow)
The "Toaster" will turn plain old Wheat into Bread into Toast, but with a twist. Instead of using the vanilla way of getting Bread (which is crafting three Wheat into Bread in a Crafting Table) I turn one Wheat into one Flour which I can then smelt into one Bread. This means at the expense of some fuel, I get a 1:1 conversion instead of 3:1.

Wheat into Flour
After this comes the furnace setup which is fueled by an Exoflame sitting behind the two furnaces. What I am doing here is using the Autocrafting Mechanic from Extra Utilities. It uses the direction of the Transfer Node to look behind the Crafting Table for a crafting pattern. In this case it will see a pattern where you insert one Wheat into the middle slot of a Crafting Table - this crafting step yields Flour so it will output Flour to the Chest attached.

Flour into Toast
Oh and by the way, I recommend using a Wrench/Crescent Hammer on the one Transferpipe between the two furnaces until it is not connecting to them anymore (it gets a little white) just to make sure things don't get derpy.

Moving on...

The Presser (Grey)
Ingredients (per Layer; 2 Layers recommended at least):
Pressing the Soybeans into Tofu and Milk is probably the biggest (/smallest?!) bottleneck of the build. The pressers (from Pam's Harvestcraft) can't be upgraded, there's only the one version of them and they're a little picky with their In- and Outputs.

The key-component here is the Reinforced Servo since it allows you to pull one Item at a time in round-robin-mode (don't forget to set Redstone Control to "Ignore"!). This means that of every three Soybeans, two will get processed into Firm Tofu and one will get processed into Soymilk. The rest is pretty basic "piping" as shown in the picture: Seperate the Transferpipes with Covers and run the Soymilk-Output in the Barrel that will be used to store it.
Additional layers can be added by simply connecting them to the Itemducts on top and to the output Chest below.

 The Burger-Assembly (Red)
Oh darn, what a list. And on top of that, I'm not entirely sure if I can correctly explain how to set this up. But let's see what I can come up with...

We're going to start with the Hardened Energy Cell (preferrably a full one so you can immediately see if you did it right), our power supplier, since all the Cyclic Assemblers will require a small amount of RF. Right next to it, as shown in the picture above, you put down your first Cyclic Assembler - he will produce Salt. What he needs for that are two things: A Pot and some Water. The Pot's easy enough, and the Water you pump directly into it from below using a Transfer Node (Liquids) + World Interaction Upgrade (click the picture on the right to enlarge it). Lastly set the recipe and you should be producing Salt.

Next up you'll need to do a bit of cableing, because the Burger-Aseemblers and the one making Cheese will want some RF from that Energy Cell aswell (the Salt one you can dirrectly feed from the Cell). Connect to the bottom of the Cell and put down your Assemblers on top of the Fluxducts. You should also run the power line over to your Harvester (connect from the bottom)!

To make Cheese you'll need your freshly produced Salt, so connect the Cheese-Assembler with the Salt-Assembler using a Transfer Node (Items) some normal Transfer Pipes and a Rationing Pipe at the end (The picture above shows it pretty good). The Rationing Pipe at the end is very important because else, the Assembler would fill up with Salt, leaving no room for Soymilk to go in which would stop the cheese production. While you're at it you can connect your Soymilk Barrel using the same Transfer Pipe line (as seen in the picture aswell). Lastly put in your second Pot and set the recipe... you should now get Cheese.

Now hook up the Toast Chest/Barrel to your Cyclic Assembler right next to the Energy Cell and the Cheese Assembler to the one next it. Seperate them with Covers and insert a Rationing Pipe. (click the picture to the left to enlarge it). Again the Rationing Pipes are needed so the machines don't  get clogged with one item.

I recommend disconnecting the Salt with the Cheese-Assembler before you do that (like I did in the picture) to prevent any items from going into machines they shouldn't. Once you've made the two connections, put Covers on top and reconnect the Salt.

Now that we've got the raw materials we can make our Burgers. I take it that you know how to set the recipes and the in- and outputs so I won't explain it here. All there's left to explain is that you need to connect your Firm Tofu Chest/Barrel with the left and right Assembler (leave out the middle one) and set your Reinforced Servo to pull out one Item at a time in round-robin-mode. If Bacon Cheeseburgers start appearing in your output Chest you did everything right!

"Eating" the Burgers (Blue)
Our setup is now capable of producing (vegan, kehehe) Bacon Cheeseburgers... except it will need Mana and RF to do it, which we don't have at the moment. So, as the "Grand Finale" (french pronounciation please), let's feed the Burgers to our Gourmaryllises!

For better understanding on how the feeding works, I (again) made a little sketch:

The real thing then looks like this:

The output Chest of your little Burger-Assembly should be connected to the Hyper-Rationing-Pipes which in return will make sure, that there's always exactly one Burger in the Droppers.

Solving the Power Problem

Your setup should be basically running by now, there's one little problem: You don't have any RF generation yet...

Pretty straight forward, pretty easy. The Comparator will output a signal according to the power situation of the Energy Cell which will turn of the timer whenever the Cell reaches a certain "fullness". Once it drops below that value, the timer - set to 0.65 seconds - will start ticking again, so the Mana Spreader starts shooting Mana into the Fluxfield again, which will then output RF into the Energy Cell... and the loop starts again.


If you set up everything according to my explanations AND if I explained everything correctly there shouldn't be much left to do. Hook up the Mana Pool that's distributing mana to your Exoflame and Agricarnation to the Main one on top of the Gourmaryllises, aswell as the one that outputs mana into the Fluxfield to generate RF. The amount of mana you get will - by far- suffice to even run some other small Mana/RF related setups like a Runic Altar, Mana Alchemy or some basic Thermal Expansion Machines.

I hope you liked my very first "Spot on the Build" and didn't get confused by my instructions. Until next time...

See y'all 'round!

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