Mittwoch, 23. September 2015


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, yet another time!

Last weekend was quite the special weekend - it was the weekend of the 7th "Move-Festival for Ethics, Discourse and Music" in Graz, Austria! It's a vegan festival held in our citypark every year in summer.

I was obviously attending both as a visitor aswell as a volunteering worker for example at setting up the tents saturday morning or at the bar during the festival. Gotta spread the vegan message, you know?! And how could one do that better than supplying other people with vegan food and drinks.

This years festival was a great success in my eyes as even the weather seemed to work with us. The forecast was pretty bad, but rain only came deep in the night from saturday to sunday and on sunday we had a perfectly clear sky and sunshine.

But without firther ado, here are some impressions:

Saturday morning, we're starting to set up our tents. Several restaurants from Graz and from farther away also came to sell all-vegan food.
One of the organizers of the festival; always busy!
Our little bar, where we sold beer, wine, lemonade along with cake and coffee
Indian, vegan food place! So yummy!
As the place got more crowded I didn't have the time to take fotos anymore so if you'd like some fotos with more people on them click on this one. She was going around all day long, making fotos and spreading the good mood!
On the other side of the lens!
Strengthening my body and soul with a vegan goulash before my shift started:
Uhm yes I sold quite a lot of coffee that day... not to forget the cake our activists made which we "sold" for whatever people wanted to pay:

Between shifts I had time to wander around a bit, take a bite to eat and visit the various stands on animal rights, data privacy, etc. all while listening to awesome live music:

Aaaaaand after a hard days work on saturday evening, you`d say I deserved my delicious noodles! (btw this is not me ordering :P )

Sunday came and in the morning we got rid of all the wetness due to the rain during the night. The weather wanted to help us aswell apparently...

The second day I kind of forgot to take more fotos, so if you're still craving for more visit

That's it from me, I definetly "saw some of y'all 'round" if I do say so myself ;)

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