Montag, 15. Februar 2016

I did it! The Twenty-Seven are complete!

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, yet another time!

These past few days I've been "working" my a** off in order to complete something I've looked forward to in a long time: The completion of "The 27"!

For those of you who don't know: "The 27" are the term used for 27 (you don't say) decks for each legally playable color-combination in EDH - so the 5 colors on their own, all 10 Ravnica-Guilds, the 5 Alara-Shards, the 5 Tarkir-Wedges, Colorless and Five-Color (5+10+5+5+2 = 27).

The road here was quite a long one. I had ideas for certain decks, dismissed them after putting in quite some effort in developing it, even built some decks to only break them up again a week later. Budget was another concern since even though I have quite an extensive collection due to the long time I've played and collected, an amount of decks this big still put a very big strain on it and I had to buy a lot of cards in the process of course.

But I stayed strong in my resolution to NEVER have two decks of the same color-combination before I've built all the other ones. Oh boy, sometimes this was annoying... For example I have my Borborygmos Enraged Deck for a very long time now and there was no way in hell that I'd build some other deck for Gruul-colors... but Rosheen Meanderer sometimes looked so interesting to build that I kind of cursed myself for bringing this "only one deck per combination"-rule upon me.

You might think to yourself "Well good for you dude, what's that have to do with me?!". First of all, I plan to revive "Brainstorming Commanders" since I now have brain-ressources again to actually brainstorm commanders that I'm not planning to build. So if you've liked those posts you might be happy to hear that they'll be coming back.
Second and even more important, since I've now somewhat "locked in" my decks for each color-combination, I want to write a "Deckspotlight"-post for EVERY SINGLE DECK. This means, if you subtract the two I've already written, there are 25 deckspotlights to be written. Even more since I'll probably throw in some spotlights on my four-color decks aswell.

TL;DR: I now have a playable deck for each color-combination - yay me - which means I'll write a lot of deckspotlights in the future. So a lot of EDH-content is in the works.

Alright, I'll stop with the rambling now and start writing those spotlights because I want to release one per week at the minimum...

See y'all 'round!

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