Dienstag, 3. Februar 2015

Combining durdling and diet

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, yet another time - for real now!

In my first "real" blog entry I want to showcase a minecraft mod I stumbled upon some time ago:

The Vegan Option! How sweet is that. During the last 2 years I always tried to "stay vegan" in game, avoiding sheep- and cowfarms as much as I could. Foodwise it's rather easy, Baked Potatoes are your friend but when it comes to crafting you soon get into trouble. How to get level 30 enchants without using leather for books (easy), how do I get "vegan" Ender Pearls without killing Endermen in the first place (hard/luckbased) or getting a Laser Drill from MineFactoryReloaded setup without having poor pigs get slaughtered in a slaughterhouse (impossible)?

While the mod doesn't offer an alternative to the last mentioned problem - which is modrelated -, it replaces nearly all vanilla animal products (except the Nether Star and the Dragon Egg) in a way that's fun, creative and even does kind of make sense (like replacing Eggs with Apple Sauce in baking recipes).

I will definitely check out the mod in the future and see what gets added to replace mod-items, as the author approaches v.1.0.0 because as I am playing very modheavy I'd like it to have some more modintegration before loading it up.

Aaaaand that's it again. See you people around...

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